Tuesday, November 30, 2010

vegan mofo: quinoa and purple cauliflower casserole

i got over-hyped about the purple cauliflower.  c'mon... it happens to the best of us.

status: somewhat fail.

why i'm including it: it really wasn't terrible, but it was my first time cooking with purple cauliflower AND with quinoa (this is an old pic).   it was sort of a melty cheese casserole thing that i still have the recipe for.  it was like a C+ meal...  but i really just wanted to post a picture of purple cauliflower.

would i make it again:  it was the first and only time i've seen purple cauliflower.


jessy said...

i've never tried purple cauliflower before - and i think it's too awesome that you attempted two firsts in one dish, miss v.! i need to be more brave and try some new things, too. the casserole is so pretty with the little bits 'o cauliflower poking out. yay!

Rose said...

You gotta love purple food! It's fun to try new things and new combos, even it doesn't turn out perfect the first time! The casserole looks good to me.

Jen Treehugger said...

WOW! I didn't know cauliflower came in purple! AWESOME.

Tammi Kibler @keenonquinoa said...

Oh, I wish I knew where to find purple cauliflower, I can imagine several recipes I would prepare with it.

Tami said...

But that cauliflower is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I would probably get so excited over purple cauliflower we'd be eating it for weeks! And first times are sometimes akward, but here's to trying!

Vegan Valerie said...

That purple cauliflower is the BOMB! Totally awesome!! I wish it was easy to find colorful cauliflower at my supermarket. Why does it always have to be white???