Monday, November 29, 2010

vegan mofo: millet loaf

i was inspired by many fellow bloggers to work on some more gluten-free recipes, so i opted for a main base of millet.

status: good eating!

why i'm including it: the millet is an awesome grain for veggie loaf.  and it's gluten free!  for whatever reason, i totally forgot to write anything down.

would i make it again:  an enthusiastic yes.  recipe forthcoming in 2011.

ps - see previous vegan mofo post about those spicy green beans in the background.


Anonymous said...

I love millet, though I can't seem to find any of late. I used to like making millet mashed potatoes, so yummy.
Looking forward to the recipe!

jessy said...

totally looking forward to the recipe for your millet loaf! it looks fantastical - and i looooove me some gluten-free comfort foods i can smother in gravy or eat with lots of ketchup. mmmmmmm!

Jen Treehugger said...

I've never cooked with millet! Looking at that loaf makes me want to though.