sushi. yum. i make sushi a couple times a month, with different ingredient combos each time. however, i can say that my favourite is a mixture of avocado, chopped peanuts, and sriracha sauce, seasoned with dulse, kelp and black sesame seeds. seriously, this sushi is what i would request on my death bed.

another favourite combo is avocado with shiitake mushrooms (you can see them in the back).

lately, i've been making cucumber rolls topped with a spicy mayo. one tablespoon of vegan mayo with as much sriracha as you like. the mayo is thick enough you can make... fun decorations. ;)
your sushi is beautiful!!! i am so jealous that you can make this. i usually pay 5 bux for a little box of it just because i'm so lazy. avocados are definitely my favorite ingredient.
i had no idea the pom people tested on animals!!! that makes me so upset. how do you know this?? is there some list out there of all the companies that do animal testing?
I keep meaning to make sushi, but it just never happens. I even got a handy little may and everything. Oh well. Yours looks super yummy!
Vegetarian sushi ain't traditional, but it's certainly delicious :D I've tried making avocado, tamago (scrambled egg), and other ingredients, but wasn't very successful (I think the rice was too hot and the steam made the nori soggy). I really love the idea of peanuts and sriracha, though! I'll definitely try sushi again when I go back home :)
Sushi looks great! Yum!
yum, veggie sushi. i've never had avocado + shiitake, but it sounds amazing.
Your sushi looks amazing! Yum! I still haven't gotten around to making it, something about the idea of trying to make it intimidates me.
Love Siracha on almost everything! Great looking sushi!
oh wow! THOSE SUSHI ROLLS LOOK AMAZING! very impressive!
Thanks for posting this, I've had veg sushi on my 'to make list' for some time! Especially a Thai inspired sushi roll with avocado, bean sprouts, cilantro, and peanut sauce. Soon...
ooooh, yummy! your sushi combination sounds amazing! i love anything with sriracha - and i'm all about the spicy mayo, too! what a rock'n idea! mmmmmmmmmmmm!
YuMMM!! I love sushi. We made our own a few years ago, it wasn't worth the work for us (it didn't taste that great). I would love to try again though, will have to talk hubs into it! :)
Goodness, Ms V. It's the best vegan cheese in the world. There's always something about vegan cheeses that gives them away as non dairy, but this one could seriously fool the biggest of dairy fanatics.
As for this sushi, you just made me want to bust out my rice maker and get busy. I haven't made any in a long time, and yours looks so dope.
OH Ms. V, seeing all your beautiful sushi is making me wonder why I don't make it more often. I should. Sillyfish.
I have been slacking lately and have been getting take out sushi instead of making it...Thanks for reminding me the joys of rolling!
your sushi looks great. i'm not very deft at rolling the stuff and it usually looks a bit crap - but it tastes good. I need to try avocado & peanuts in sushi next time!!
Wow! That's one heck of a sushi roll! I can never fit enough stuff in without having rolling problems. But you fit a ton of goodies in and still got a nice-lookin' roll. I'm jealous.
that there sushi shore is purdy!
btw, got the juicer. will make posts and pics as soon as i learn how to use it!
Sushi is perhaps my favorite savory food, and yours look fantastic! Oh, I'm really craving some now..!
Your sushi looks so wonderful, I am getting a craving just by looking at it!
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