- 10 oz cabblage/carrot mix
- 2 tablespoons water
- 1 tablespoon vegan butter (earth balance)
- 1 cup cooked peas (~1/2 can)
- tabasco or other hot sauce (optional)
- 1 tablespoon vegan butter
- 1 tablespoon white miso
- 1 cup soy milk (unsweetened)
- 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tablespoon onion powder
- 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- heavy dash of black pepper
saute cabbage in large non-stick skillet with 2 tablespoons water on high. in 3-5 minutes, the cabbage should start to show some translucency, but still have a crunchy texture. add in the butter, and peas. about 30 seconds later, pour in nooch sauce. continue cooking on medium-high for about 4-5 minutes and remove from heat. it shouldn't be too liquidy - if it is, keep cooking. the cabbage and peas should be nicely coated, but not swimming. top with hot sauce if so desired.
this makes a nice side dish for about 3 people.
delicious!!! i put nootch on everything!
Oh, yum! I've got some cabbage I need to do something with.
I also love the nooch, but my hub really doesn't. I've tried to sneak it into things, but he can always tell. But that doesn't stop me!!!
i'm a nooch pooch myself. then i learned you're only supposed to eat 3T worth a day. so no more nooch i.v. drips for me....
btw, love that you love "owlshit". thanks for keeping my mom alive, which she is very much alive, but i think the world could always use more judy shuster.
viva la nooch. And your sauce sounds so good. I think I'll do a rice milk version soon(the soy is getting overdone in my diet lately...common vegan dilemma I guess ;))
Wow, that sounds good! I heart peas and nooch.
i also love nooch...when i first tried it over a year ago i was kinda like "ehh....smells and looks like fish food" but now i love it and even crave it sometimes!
I will have to give the nooch sauce a try - sounds great!
I use nooch in almost all my soups and gravies too- love the stuff!
Yum! Peas are good in everything. I love cabbage! I am making a cabbage salad tonight! :)
Looks delish! Never tried Nooch sauce before. Actually, coming to think of it, I've never cooked with Miso before. I've got to get me some and give this a shot :)
hooooooooooray for noochy goodness! totally going to have to try this, miss v! i looooove both cabbge 'n peas (and carrots, too!)!
Wow.. That looks inviting! Nooch sauce is new to me.. will give it a try!
I've somehow missed the term nooch, clearly I need to get out more :) I've also never put nut yeast cheese (which we love in our house) on cabbage. It sounds great!
I have seen nutritional yeast at whole foods but have never tried it...this cabbage in nooch sauce sounds interesting !
i eat nooch like candy. still, i have yet to put a sauce of it on veggies...though i've been tempted. michael usually overrides that decision ;) he likes it on pasta, nachos, and sammiches ONLY. psh. i bet i can trick him into eating this though, he loves cabbage.
Yep, I love this one...I come cruising over here and lurk! Ethiopian food is mostly vegetarian, if you have not cooked it, you should it is so tasty and I never get tired of eating it, with the teff injera which is super easy to make!
I love it nooch mooch and i.v. hookups, lol!
Thanks :) So much of me wishes I'd never had it before because I wouldn't miss it so dang much, but at least I had an idea of what I was trying to accomplish.
Mmm. Nooch sauce. Now I want some breakfast.
i have nutritional yeast lying around, but never actually used it. love your nooch sauce recipe, ill be sure to try!
Mm, that sauce sounds great, I bet it would pair well with tons of different dishes!
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