Wednesday, November 10, 2010

vegan mofo: mom's first vegan meal

my mom is pretty chill about my vegan diet.  my pops was whipping up chicken enchiladas for the family and my mom went out of her way to make vegan ones for me.  this was a couple years ago, but i kept the picture because it was awesome and it was made with some serious love.

status: heart warming.

why i'm including it:  don't get a lot of vegan meals cooked for me, and this was just a act of foodie love by my mom.  plus she introduced me to a vegan cheddar that actually melts!

would i make it again:  i would, but i'm waiting on mom to make it again.  hint hint, mama.


Anonymous said...

your mom rules!

miss v said...

thanks. i think she rules too!

Hannah said...

Aw, that's awesome. Supportive parents are the best! My mom isn't vegan either, but she's totally willing to try all of my crazy concoctions. :)

Tami said...

That's so awesome!

jessy said...

i love that your momma made you vegan awesomenesses that were so crazy delicious! your mom is the best! :) and her dish looks so melty and yummy!

oh, as for the chipotle chili powder - i can't find it in bulk in the stores around me, so i break down every now and again and get a jar of it at Krogers. sucks that i have to pay that much for it, although now that i'm thinking about it i should investigate seeing if i can get some in bulk cheaper online. that would rock.

Vic Robinson said...

Awwwww! That is so sweet. My mum once made me a vegan ice cream cake for my birthday. It was the best cake I have ever had!

Anonymous said...

Your mum is the cutest ever!!! I don't think anyone has ever intentionally made me anything vegan...I need to work on that!

Bianca said...

I LOVE it when my mama makes me special vegan meals! They taste so much better when mama makes 'em. Your mom's enchiladas look yummy and gooey just the way they should be. :-)

Anonymous said...

thats really sweet
Moms are the best and I never tried this dish before it looks so good.
My mom is vegan by force and always understand how to make my meals.

Megan said...

i ♥ this

Anonymous said...

How wonderful of your mom to make this special treat for you!

Chef Amber Shea said...

Aw, how sweet of your mom!

Jen Treehugger said...

Your mom is awesome.

T said...

It took a long time to convince my parents to start cooking vegan things but it made me really happy when I caught on. Great memory!

Amey said...

oh so sweet! It's so wonderful to have a home-cooked meal that is also vegan. I think it's one of the best things ever. It's so sweet that you've saved this picture.

Jenn said...

That looks pretty awesome!