it wasn't until a couple years ago that i heard about eating black-eyed peas on new year's day for good luck. until this recipe, i hadn't had them except all mushed up like a bean dip. i actually made my own
soyrizo for this recipe, but
i'm still tweaking the recipe. it didn't hold together as well as i had hoped, so i rolled with it and ended up with yummy
soyrizo crumbles. once i get the recipe down pat,
i'll post it, but in the meantime you can find
soyrizo at most health/nature food stores. happy new year!

- 2½ cups cooked black-eyed peas, cooked
- 1½ cups white northern beans, cooked
- 2 cups soyrizo (mine was crumbly)
- 2 cans stewed tomatoes
- 2 cups chopped potatoes
- 2 tablespoon onion powder
- 2 clove garlic, minced
- 3 cups water
- 1 veggie bouillon cube
dissolve a bouillon cube in hot water, and then combine all ingredients in a
crock pot. my
soyrizo was already pretty spicy, but if yours isn't, you may want to add some red pepper flakes to kick it up.
stew in the
crock pot for 6+ hours. be sure an add additional water if too much cooks off.
I never heard the whole black eyed pea thing either until a few years ago! And I still haven't made them for new years..opps! Yours look great!
looks mighty fine, my dear! yummm... i flaked on making black eyed peas this year, but i always heard that cabbage was lucky on new years day, sooooo.... we had sauerkraut n sausage n dumplings! i thought of you and thought you'd be proud haha! by the way, i saw that one with the dog and the little kitten and it was so fricking adorable! loved it ;)
New years day has now passed, but I still have plenty of black-eyed peas left over, so I'll definitely keep this recipe in mind. It sounds good!
Happy new year! :)
Looks delicious! What a great way to enjoy blackeyed peas.
yummy! That is an awesome way to eat black eyed peas on new years:]
I never heard the black eyed pea thing till this year when I started reading the blogs! Your stew looks awesome.
I love black-eyed peas, but can't get them where I live. Your dish is making me really wish I could!
i'm gonna try that recipe. it sounds really good and super easy. a nice alternative to chili. it probably pairs well with cornbread, no?
that's one rock'n stew! i love making my own soyrizo (and ours is pretty crumbly, too - no worries!) & i really looooooooove black-eyed peas! this is perfect, miss v! thanks!
Happy New Year! I'm sure you will have lots of good luck now you made this delicious stew.
That looks awesome...and I ate all my cowpeas...
i've never have black-eyed peas in my entire life.
cool tradition - the stew looks great!
Miss V- I guess you did not get my email...I sent one a month ago...I use it just like you do, it does crumble...but you can make sliders by adding a binder like egg and quinoa flour, or chickpeas made like hummus...but other wise most I know that use this just crumble it into stews, omelets and other dishes, so you did it perfect, I never thought of black eyed peas and still have vegan soy-rizo in the freezer!
Happy New Year Vi!
Hey do a frittata or french toast of some sort...since I do not do eggs unless I eat out, I would not post something like that!
my aunt is usually in charge of the black eyed peas for new years. i hadn't heard of it until last year when she brought them. they were pretty good, but yours looks 10x better.
I only recently heard about the black eyed peas thing,this seems like a great way to do it too,yum!
Miss V- I used soy-rizo in a casserole today for my clients...gave you credit for the name!
soyrizo is one of my favorites! Happy New Year.
This looks great! I love black eyed peas.
mmmmm, this looks awesome!! have some soyrizo in the fridge & blackeyed peas rock. Thanx for the idea. :)
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