Wednesday, April 8, 2009

canned potato mexi burrito (breakfast burrito #2)

i'm a big fan of the breakfast burrito. it's the perfect hungry girl's solution to a ravenous morning. i like mine a variety of ways, but always overstuffed with my favourite ingredients, warmed up and super tasty.

  • 1 can of potatoes (sliced)
  • 2 cups bell peppers (any color)
  • 1 teaspoon taco seasoning
  • 1/2 cup black olives, chopped
  • vegan cheese sauce (see recipe below)
  • salsa
  • 2 large 10" tortillas
for the vegan cheese sauce:
  • 1/3 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 cup soy milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon tahini
put the cheese sauce ingredients in a small mason jar and shake vigorously. if you read my recipes, you'll notice that i use the same ingredients for cheese sauces most of the time. in this case, i reduced the amount liquid so that it was thick and wouldn't create a super messy burrito.

in a large non-stick skillet, use only a light coating of cooking spray and then heat the sliced potatoes and bell peppers on high. after about 3 minutes, add the taco seasoning. continue cooking on high for about 5-10 minutes - until the potatoes brown to your liking (extra crispy in my case).

when done, add the potato mixture and rest of the ingredients in burrito. make sure you warm your tortillas first, or you will probably have a hard time folding them without tears.

this make about 2-3 large burritos (depending on how you stuff them). :)


Amy said...

Your burrito is making me ravenous!!

Sal - AlienOnToast said...

i would like a burrito now. please.

A_and_N said...

Burrito looks nice miss V ;) I'd take these over the ones in Taco Bell od Sonics any day!

AnuSriram said...

Burrito looks awesome! You make me hungry! Wish i could have this right now :)

jessy said...

huzzah for one rock'n breakfast burrito, miss v! and i still need to try out your cheezy sauce. mmmmm!

Lauren said...

Yum! I love burritos! And I especially love the fact that they can be eaten at any time during the day! Whoohoo! :)

veggievixen said...

oooh vegan cheeze sauce. tight.

Bianca said...

I love canned potatoes. The texture is different from fresh, and it's somehow comforting...reminds me of childhood when we ate lots of things from cans. :-)

Virginia said...

i haven't had a breakfast wrap in ages!

Sindy said...

2nd burrito I've seen today- now officially craving them.

Anonymous said...

Oh breakfast burrito, how I love thee. One of my favourite hang-over brunchies...I mean that is if I ever drank or anything like that.

Hannah said...

I rarely make savory food for breakfast, but now I'm sorely tempted... These burritos sound fantastic!

Kana said...

Burritos are wonderful anytime of the day. I am curious about the canned potatoes.

Anonymous said...

This burrito sounds excellent! I would love to make it very soon!

allularpunk said...

i love breakfast burritos!

garrick clayton said...

Oh man was that good! makes me hungry.