for more info on the Healthy Juicer, click here

1. what is your favourite juice or juice recipe?
2. if you haven't made a juice before, what are you most excited about trying?
all comments must be posted by sunday, february 22 at 10pm central time. i'll use a random number generator to pick the winner.
you must have a US shipping address. if your profile doesn't link me to your email address, make sure to leave one so i can contact you if you are the winner!
Yay! I love contests!! My favorite juice is 2 apples, half a cucumber, collards, and a lemon. refreshing!!
I love juices with banana, strawberry, mango, orange but just don't do it because I've never known how really or had a good way to do it. I'm not real sure how one juices a banana...LOL
Carrots with a bit of apple and a hint of ginger. It makes me feel soooooo good and energized, especially when I drink it daily.
i haven't really made juice before- besides fresh squeezed oj. i love making smoothies though! i'm excited about the possibility of making fresh juice! i loves apples and strawberries.
I don't have a juicer yet, but my goal this year is to get healthy and fit. Overall, I love apples, beets, ginger, carrots and some greens --- yummy!
fresh squeezed lemonade with a touch of agave nectar, iced up really well.
i am looking forward to pomegranate juice - love the fruit but never had the juice.
oops and my address is
I'm most excited to make the carrot/beet/ginger/orange/apple juice that colleen has mentioned on her compassionate cooks podcast!
Oh I sooo miss wheat grass juice. There used to be a wonderful juice bar here in town but they made some bad business decisions and ultimately closed. I haven't had wheat grass since. :(
I've never had a juicer but I will one day!
Thanks for the fun contest!
bexbennett AT
My favorite "juice" is:
a handful of spinach
a banana
1 tsp of cocoa
ice and water
blended in the vita-mix.
It's really more of a smoothie than a juice, but I don't have a juicer so that's how I make mine now. I have been wanting a juicer for a long time now.
By the way, I really like your blog.
I really would like to try to make a coconut mango banana juice!
Thanks :) I think it's because we're both geminis and like to cook crazy, awesome food.
Oh my goodness! How exciting! I have seen lots of yummy juice recipes around. I would really like to try some strawberry orange juice.
Apple-ginger juice! So good.
I love pretty much any juice with mango. I've never made my own, mostly because I'm mildly addicted to Naked Juice. It's all natural, no added sugar, so I feel better about drinking it than most of the commercial juices.
Thanks for ur comment in my blog. Its a wonderful contest. I love apple juice with milk. Toss some cut apples, fat free milk, a dash of sugar and a dash of cinnamon in a blender. Hmm... Yummy!
I love carrot ginger juice. I am new to juicing and would like to try some juices using green vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli.
Yay, juice!! I love all fruit juices, but would love to experiment with veggies too.
I love green juices but so far I have been limited to making green smoothies on my own because I don't have a juicer. I'd like to try some green zinger type juices with spinach, apple and ginger. I've heard good things about a sweet potato and beet juice, too!
I used to make carrots, a hint of apple juice and a splash of soy milk.
blog mom said (i wanted to give her a number for the drawing):
I don’t have a juice recipe because I don’t have a juicer, however, I’ve always wanted to try a juicer for the health benefits and for a way to use all of the fruits and veggies in my frig that are just about to go….
I don’t have a lot of time in the mornings for breakfast, so I’d love to be able to make up a quick healthful juice and bring it in the car!
i have a juicer for fruits but i would LOVE a wheatgrass juicer!! my favorite juice is probably apple/carrot or "lemonaid" made with lemons and some apple for natural sweetness.
I love contests too!!! My favorite juice is carrot, ginger, apple and kale. Its a great pick me up in the morning and during that dreaded afternoon!!
Sorry email address is!!
i love contests too. who doesn't? lame people, i guess. and not lame as in physically, i mean lame as in lame.
anyway, i love juices. my favorite to get is the ol' apple carrot blend. so yummy. if i had a juicer, i'd probably make all sorts of wacky combinations, though. i think a savory juice would be nice.
glad to know i'm not the only one to forget my e-mail addy:
I love apple and carrot juice!!! YUMMY!!!!
I want a juicer in the worst way but I could never justify spending the money. Other than squeezing my own citrus juice combos I haven't juiced before. I like grapefruit, tangerine, orange combos.
I do like to get a carrot juice blend at a local cafe. It has beets, parsley, ginger, celery, and apple. It's so yummy. I would also love to utilize all of that valuable pulp for baking. Wahoo!
seesaw [dot] fodder [at] gmail [dot] com
Ok, I do live in France, but i totally have a US shipping address (my parents' place) and they could totally bring me this if I one it, because they do come to visit!!!
Just sayin'. favorite juice for heat/spice is apple-lemon-ginger with a sprinkle of cayenne, but i also love fennel-orange pepper-cucumber when i want something refreshing!
thanks for a great giveaway! i'm in the market for a juicer :) My favorite juice is apple with celery.
I have never juiced before but I really really really want to! I'd especially like to try lots of fruit juices - strawberries, blueberries, oranges, etc. I'd also like to try vegetable juices to make me get more in!
I just want to try everything :)
Ooh I am boring; my fave juice is orange!
Wow this is an awesome giveaway!
I love orange, mango and grape juices...not together,seperately:-)
Hey! I gave you an award, check out my blog for details!
i love juice and juicers, my favorite is banana, strawberry, mango. yummy.
I've never tried it myself, but I'd love to! I usually like things with strawberries, kiwi, and papaya. I'd love to figure out how to do this and make my own style of V-8 juice.
When my kids were little my husband made juice every weekend and we called it noisy juice because the kids would cover their ears. We don't have a recipe, but usually it had apples and oranges, but his favorite was to put pineapples in. He also would add other fruits as they came into season.
I'm new to the world of juicing, but I love almost all fruits and veggies. Plus, I want to start a liquid fast and that's impossible to do without a juicer!
I've never used a juicer before, but I make fresh orange juice from time to time. My favorite kind of juice is guava!
autrereine at gmail
I just won this juicer from River's blog. It is awesome.
I don't have a juicer yet but really want to try something with mangos.
I like a mix of fruits and veggies in my juice...apples, lemon, celery, carrots and spinach sounds really good!
oops, forgot, email address is nck02006 at
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