i made up this yummy and simple little side dish, and i swear that it tastes like cheesy zucchini! you may notice that i almost never use real onions in my recipes... i always use onion powder. my reasoning is that i don't like the texture of onions, and i really don't like a strong onion-y taste. for me, a little dash of onion powder is enough to set off the taste, but i imagine most people would want to use real onions.

- 1 medium zucchini
- 3 -4 tablespoons nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tablespoon onion powder
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
put the zucchini through the julienne blade on a
mandolin slicer. in a skillet pan, heat up the sesame oil on medium, then add the zucchini slices. after a few minutes, add the nutritional yeast and onion powder and turn up to high. saute the zucchini for a bout 10 minutes until tender.
Hi Miss V!
Thanks for sharing your favorite pizza idea on my blog. I have been known to eat sauerkraut with toast, to the disgust of my husband. LOL
But that's not the point of this post. I was looking at your zucchini recipe and saw you added nutritional yeast. Any reason why you did that? Was it for taste? Or does it serve a nutritional function? (It is called nutritional yeast, so maybe it must.)
Hi there! Thanks for the comment! To answer your question: Yes, nutritional yeast is generally considered to be a great source of vitamins and minerals. But I use it because it's often used by vegans to achieve a cheese flavour in recipes.
This looks great! We use Chreese powder, which is nutritional yeast with spices, instead of cheese on noodles and I put it on zucchini last week.
On the Chreese: A lot of health food stores (as well as Whole Foods) sell Chreese n' noodles in a box. It's dairy-free mac and cheese. Vegan shops online sell small packets of just the "cheesy" powder. I buy bulk 1lb bag from Road's End Organics. Then I use it on noodles, veggies and pizza. My son loves chreesy noodles. There is the Uncheese Cookbook which has recipes to make your own and a lot of people have their versions online.
Cruchy and cheesy taste, woooo nice and healthy.
how much does nutritional yeast cost? i have seen it in other recipes as well and i was wondering if you can get it at hyvee? or does it have to be at a specialty store?
i bet some hy-vee's with robust nature sections might have it. but nature's pantry would have it for sure... or whole foods.
or i can buy some and bring it to you. it's cheap!
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